Artigo revela que um chefe ruim pode adoecer os funcionários
Jan 19, 2016 by apost team
<b>Para cerca de 75% dos americanos, os chefes são a maior causa de estresse no trabalho </b>A revista Quartz publicou um artigo no Linkedin que aponta que um chefe ruim pode fazer tão mal para a saúde dos funcionários quanto fumar passivamente. E o pior, quanto mais tempo uma pessoa passar trabalhando para alguém que a deixa infeliz, maiores serão os danos para sua saúde mental e física.Dados da Associação de Psicologia dos Estados Unidos, publicados no artigo da revista Quartz revelam que 75% dos trabalhadores americanos consideram seus chefes a maior razão de estresse no trabalho. Contudo, 59% dessas pessoas não largariam o emprego, mesmo infelizes.Os dados mostram que as pessoas arrumam uma maneira de se conformar com seus empregos, e isso faz com que a decisão de pedir demissão e sair em busca por um ambiente de trabalho mais saudável seja ainda mais postergada.

According to Quartz, data from the American Psychology Association shows that 75% of American workers believe their bosses are a major cause of stress at work. However, 59% of them would not leave the job. Statistics show that employees get used to their jobs despite the fact that they are unhappy. This further complicates their process of resignation as they are no longer motivated to search for a healthier working environment which could improve their situation.

Worse than cigarettes Researchers at the Harvard Business School and Stanford University in the United States gathered data from over 200 studies and found that stress at work can be as harmful to the health as the exposure to a considerable amount of smoke from other people's cigarettes just like passive smoking. The main reason for stress at work for most employees is the risk of losing their jobs. As a consequence, chances are that these employees are 50% more prone to health problems than their colleagues.
Employees in a demanding job are expected to deliver more than they can give and this increases their chances of acute health problems by 35%. Survival In some cases, the problems with the bosses are merely a matter of affinity. However, there are many bosses like Miranda Priestly (from "The Devil Wears Prada") in real life.